About this blog

Temporal Tempest

Formed in a fever pitch

Releasing all fears

So she shall have no regrets

Tales worth telling, aren’t they all?


When I had roux-en-y bariatric surgery in 2002, I had no idea what I was in for. It’s a controversial area of surgery for many reasons. Personally, I’m glad I had bariatric surgery, it’s not for everyone. This blog isn’t to exalt surgery as a panacea nor is it to extoll all its evils. I’m neither its cheerleader or its detractor.

Long past the honeymoon phase, I’m rather jaded. Still, I recognized the need to connect with others like myself. Support groups are sometimes anything but supportive. I longed for a more positive place to do it.

There had to be a place to share the stories and struggles of bariatric patients that didn’t revolve around losing weight. We are more than that.

Tired of searching, I created it.

The goal is for this blog where body positivity and bariatric patients could co-exist.